We love pulled pork! It’s tender, smoky, and an absolute staple at any BBQ that everyone will go after. A pork steak however is less common to see, and you may not have even considered this before, but given that it’s cut from the pork shoulder, it’s definitely one to try. Similar to pulled pork, this cut does well when it’s cooked to a high internal finishing temperature around 190F-200F. This is one of those cuts where cooking longer is better to produce delicious results every time.
Two 1” Inch Thick Pork Steaks
Vinegar Sauce
½ Cup BBQ Sauce
½ Cup Apple Cider Vinegar
½ Tbsp BBQ Rub
1 tsp Chili Flakes
To get started with this recipe, simply take your BBQ Rub and apply it to both sides of the pork steak. We like to use a BBQ rub that is both a little bit sweet and a little bit spicy, but use what you like for this recipe.
After the pork steaks are seasoned, begin to set up your Slow ‘N Sear without the water reservoir for direct grilling around a medium heat. To do this, we filled up the Slow ‘N Sear Deluxe insert about halfway full and got the coals mostly lit. We also added a small piece of hardwood onto the coals and then closed the lid until the coals were stabilized for direct grilling with medium heat using the Elevated Cooking Grate.
With the charcoal up to temperature, place the pork steaks onto the Elevated Cooking Grate, which will be sitting directly over the coals. The added height will keep the pork steaks further away from the coals, which means less charring on the meat during the long direct cooking portion.
Close the lid and begin cooking for 15 minutes (or until you have a bit of color starting to form) with the lid closed. This will keep the coals from getting too hot as well as allow the fat to drip onto the coals for added flavor. After about 15 minutes, flip the pork steaks over and continue to cook for another 15 minutes.
After about 30 minutes of direct grilling, spin the grate around so that the pork steaks are now over the indirect side of the grill to finish cooking. It’s at this point that you can start to brush on your thin vinegar sauce to both sides. Next, close the lid and continue to cook on the indirect side of the grill, cooking between 300F-325F. Flip and sauce the pork steaks every 15 minutes until they reach your desired doneness. We cooked ours to around 195F, which took about 50 minutes of total indirect cooking.
NOTE: Time will change depending on thickness, so use an instant-read thermometer and probe for tenderness.