Meet YouTube Creator: Michael Naqvi from Everyday BBQ
As you may have noticed, the SnS Grills YouTube team is composed of some pretty talented BBQ experts - each creator has their own personal brand. This is why we asked them to give us some insight into their personal stories, and tell us what they’re up to when they’re not filming new videos with SnS Grills.
Let’s meet Michael Naqvi, the brainchild behind "Everyday BBQ & Cooking" on YouTube.
What is your BBQ/Cooking Background, and how did you get into creating BBQ Content online?
I have always enjoyed cooking outside. About 7 years ago I really started to dive into bbq more seriously. I started using different cookers and experimenting. In August of 2017, on a whim, I had my Wife film me making some ridiculous and awful dish, I put it on YouTube and the rest is history.
How long have you been creating BBQ for SnS Grills, and what’s been your favorite recipe to film?
I’ve been filming for David (SnS Grills) for almost three years. I think my favorite recipe was my breakfast smash burger that I made on the SnS Kamado using the Drip 'N Griddle Pan over direct heat. It was extremely photogenic and delicious!
What’s been your biggest BBQ inspiration over the years?
It’s always about family and friends to me. Getting loved ones together for a BBQ, sharing laughs, good times and making memories.
What chefs have influenced you the most in your journey, and why?
Although we watch a lot of Food Network at my house, I’ve never really gravitated towards any celebrity or mainstream chefs. Almost all of my inspiration and influence has come from YouTube channels. Greg from Ballistic BBQ was and is a great inspiration to me. Here I am working alongside him now for SnS Grills, lol. Funny how life works.
Where do you get inspiration for your recipes? Any recommended cookbooks you can’t live without?
I’ve never really been a cookbook guy. I usually get inspiration from other YouTube videos or just dream something up and bring it to life. It’s incredibly fun!
What was your biggest cook or hardest to master?
Brisket has always been my most difficult cook. It took me a while to get comfortable and confident with that cook. Now, I follow some simple processes and enjoy the cook.
If you could only have one last BBQ what would it be, and why?
If it were my last one I’d just want to spend that time with my Wife and kids. I’d let them choose all the foods they love that I make, and I’d make them all for them.
If you could cook for one person, who would that be?
I can’t limit this to one. If I could, I’d love to cook for my parents just one last time. I miss them both dearly. Someday I’ll be making burgers for my Dad and Fajitas for my Mom again.
What advice would you give to someone just learning how to BBQ/Grill/Smoke?
Watch videos, have fun and don’t be afraid to try things. Honestly, our videos on the SnS Grills channel are very thorough, educational and the techniques can be carried out on almost any cooker. The secrets are in the simple techniques that are easy to remember and repeat.
When you aren’t cooking what do you enjoy doing?
Spending time with my wife and kids, watching my son play baseball, my daughter run track, playing golf, cruising with my Son in my old loud car, having BBQ’s and drinking fine bourbons. Life is good.
Follow Michael on Social Media and make sure you're subscribed to his YouTube as well as the SnS Grills YouTube Channel at the links below!